
What Is Incident Response?

  • Cyber
Incident response (IR) is also referred to as a security incident, computer incident, or IT incident. It is a systematic method of dealing with and managing the consequences of a…

What Is DDOS?

  • Cyber
With increasing technological advancement, most of the world’s resources have shifted online, including education and business. However, there has also been an increase in online crimes. DDoS, or distributed denial…

What Is Denial Of Service (DOS)?

  • Cyber
Denial of service or DoS attacks is used to completely shut down a network or machine, making it inaccessible for its users. A DoS attack is usually made by diverting…

What Is A Virtual Data Centre?

  • Cyber
Many businesses have faced unprecedented disruption over the last couple of months. Therefore, leading enterprises facing the limitations of traditional data centers are ready to explore virtual data centers. A…

What Is IT Security?

  • Cyber
Nowadays, all organizations, companies, and institutes, large or small, depend on digital resources to maintain their networks, information, and records and ensure smooth operation. Given how incredibly businesses are growing,…

What Is IT Security Policy?

  • Cyber
Organizations use digital technologies to store, process, and maintain their assets, comprising confidential data, records, and physical systems. These digital assets can be easily targeted by cyber attackers if left…

What Does Penetration Testing Mean

  • Cyber
Although technology has advanced widely, computers are still vulnerable to attacks. A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is a simulated attack performed on a computer to assess…

What Is Threat Intelligence?

  • Cyber
Nowadays, digital transformation is imperative for businesses belonging to any industry vertical. Where the digital revolution has created a myriad of promising opportunities for increased ROI, enhanced productivity, improved efficiency,…

What Is Secure Remote Worker?

  • Cyber
Secure remote access enables remote workers to access an internal corporate network without being present onsite. The Covid-19 pandemic caused a ton of businesses to switch to online methods of…

What Is HIPAA Compliant?

  • Cyber
Protected Health Information or PHI is required and used by hospitals, insurance companies, and other healthcare organizations during treatment and service. The need for patient medical information protection increased as…
Augmentt is a centralized SaaS security platform built for MSPs to deliver scalable managed security services for Microsoft and cloud apps. Our multi-tenant platform gives you visibility across all your end-users to easily audit, protect and detect security threats for a holistic approach to cyber security.