Platform Features


Threat Report
Security Configuration Audit: A report that monitors the security settings that have been enabled, disabled or inactive. 
MFA Report
A report that tracks which accounts are protected by MFA and by which methods. Helpful in identifying weaker MFA
methods such as SMS or loopholes that leave users unprotected such as policy exclusions or users not registered yet.
Customer Facing QBR Report
Demonstrate the level of protection that your security program is providing. Summarizes MFA roll out status as well
as security incidents that were prevent by having a strong baseline in place.  
SaaS Inventory Report
An inventory of all software applications in user across an organization that highlights potential risk or time waste as well as usage levels for cost optimization. 
Shadow IT Audit
Identify applications that the organization may not be aware of. Useful for identifying risk or in the event of an employee leaving making sure to shut down all accounts and protect organizational data. 


Enforce MFA
A singular view to manage MFA regardless of what licensing your customers have and which method they use across Authenticator and Duo.
Conditional Access Policies
Easily manage conditional access policies by selecting a customer and enforce Per User or Conditional Access Policy in the Azure environment. 
Configure Security Best Practices
Quickly access and configure security best practices from a single portal. Includes Microsoft best practices
documentation, links to Azure & other portals as well as configuring key security items from a single place. 
Lock User Account
In the event of serious security incident you can quickly Lock accounts, reset passwords & block sign-in for any account across any tenant. 
Off-board Users
A best practices workflow to ensure that mailbox and user data is appropriately re-assigned while deprovisioning an account. 
Manage User Permissions
Apply security best practices like least privilege access by managing Groups, Security Groups and Mailbox access for users. 


Risky Sign-in 
Receive alerts in near real-time for high-risk security events like Impossible Travel and Atypical Travel that can indicate unauthorized logins. 
Account Breaches
Receive alerts for suspicious activity detected by Microsoft that indicates an account has been compromised such as mail-forwarding rules, elevated permissions and more. 
MFA Disabled 
Actionable insights into accounts that have recently been added without, or disabled MFA. 
Inactive Accounts
A simple way to identify inactive accounts, which can easily be hijacked by intruders. 
Legacy Authentication Enabled 
Ensure no accounts have login options susceptible to breaches by identifying any legacy authentication types for all your users. 
Shadow IT
Subscribe to weekly or monthly reports that identify newly discovered software or high risk software that is in use. 
Augmentt is a centralized SaaS security platform built for MSPs to deliver scalable managed security services for Microsoft and cloud apps. Our multi-tenant platform gives you visibility across all your end-users to easily audit, protect and detect security threats for a holistic approach to cyber security.