Bill C-26 & Canadian Cybersecurity: What MSPs Need

What Is Threat Management?

Introduction: What Is Threat Management?

Threats through the internet or a virus that attacks a company’s computer systems and hardware information to hack and destroy their database are called cyber threats.

People that are working to protect us against these cyber threats are known as cyber security professionals. Cyber security threat management identifies, analyzes, solves, and defends such threats. The process of responding to and solving threats is called threat management.

Cyber threats aim to steal data from company software. Cyber security threat management or security intelligence is the security team within a company that protects against cyber malfunctions and insider threats. With the growing time as businesses are getting digital, the chances of cyber threats are increasing rapidly.

For the security team to access and protect against current cyber threats is very tricky but is equally important. Security teams can only solve these issues if they have been noticing their movement over long periods.

Why Is Cyber Threat Management Important?

Nowadays, every business is getting digital. The chances of getting hacked are increasing day by day. However, it has been seen that if a threat is detected before an attack, the damage can be saved to a great extent. Investing in a good threat management team will always give long-term business benefits and allow it to be competitive and secure in the market.

The cyber threat management system is security intelligence working towards protecting the company against cyber threats. These security teams identify cyber threats and ensure no data is destroyed or hacked from the company systems. Even if the team is not successfully eliminating the threat, they might still be able to minimize the damage to save costs.

A strong cyber threat management system and reputable security intelligence will help you save millions of dollars whenever a threat is detected. It will also increase the chances of fewer potential threats as the team will eventually get better and better at protecting and identifying potential threats.

Big and major companies spend millions of dollars annually to protect themselves against cyber threats. When a threat successfully breaches the system and hacks information, the company’s growth will stop and cause major trouble. It will also give an edge to its competitors in getting ahead. Security teams to detect cyber threats beforehand are now essential to every company. These teams and management groups also improve their relationships with advanced technologies as they learn something new every day, making them better at their jobs. Hence, it is fair to say that cyber threat management teams are extremely important for a company’s growth.

Best Practices For Cyber Threat Management 

According to experts, the most effective way to manage cyber threats has proved to be technology. Automation tools, such as AI (Artificial intelligence), effectively help in protecting computer systems. They give the threat intelligence teams an insight into any upcoming advanced persistent threats and also help them learn how to minimize their effect.

However, security teams need to be prepared at all times to fight back against any cyber threat. They should have complete knowledge about threat management, the lifecycle of a threat, and the ways to minimize its effect. Furthermore, let’s take a detailed look into the lifecycle of threats and the role of the security cyber management team in fighting back against these critical threats:


Security teams need to have a clear idea of the company’s important data. They can also use the data flow map to see how the sensitive pieces of information travel around where it is stored, so they know exactly what they are protecting and when. These data flow maps also help conduct risk assessments to ensure the security is prepared to protect against any cyber threat.


Detection is a very crucial step in threat management. If the team can detect the threat before its all-out attack, it will show that the team is active and efficient. Early detection will save high costs and help the company’s growth. Moreover, security management teams can use various tools to detect advanced persistent threats. If the team members check any suspicious activity or data breaches, even that will help them detect the threat very soon.


Cyber threats happen very fast. If the response time of threat intelligence teams is longer than expected, the company will have to face heavy damage. To be responsive and ready at all times, effective threat management teams should have a planned framework ready at all times.


This step is the most important part that threat management teams must practice and be prepared for if they don’t want to compromise on company growth. Recovery means that the company can still function while it’s under attack or facing a disruption. Cyber resilience and business continuity planning are major parts of recovery.

Who Will Benefit From Threat Management?

A threat intelligence platform benefits the entire enterprise, helping organizations stay secure and risk-free. At the same time, security, IT, and operations teams can better understand attackers and respond to incidents faster and gain unique advantages by recognizing and responding to threats. Below are some specific teams and roles that benefit from threat intelligence management:

  • Security center
  • Threat intelligence Analyst
  • Security analyst
  • Security architect
  • Chief information security officer

Common Threat Management Challenges 

Threats originating from outside the system are more complex and difficult to solve. These require a modern threat management system. Due to this, management teams face the most critical threats from within the system, also known as insider threats. Here’s why:

System Visibility Is Little To None

Lack of complete knowledge. For instance, employee profiles.

Lack Of Insights And Necessary Reporting 

Not knowing which KPIs to track and which to ignore is also difficult. Complex IT environments create serious challenges for cyber security threat management experts.

Burnout And Shortage Of Staff And Their Skills

Threat management team experts are difficult to find. The job might seem boring to many, and the lack of motivation causes burnout. New techniques to keep the staff motivated are crucial.

Threat Management Solutions

Organizations must use technological approaches to intercept threats quickly and efficiently as these companies struggle with regular and complicated attacks. Threat management will:

  • Deliver a reliable framework to generate insights into a threat landscape.
  • Help companies catch threats and vulnerabilities faster.
  • Research and analyze AI analytics and tactics.
  • To rectify threats faster using automation.

Assessing and addressing possible threats and vulnerabilities to your company or business is vital in defending its system. A stable threat management platform should be a primary part of your company’s security against attackers.


To summarize, it is safe to say that in today’s world, where technology has taken over all businesses, big and small brands need to keep their data safe from cyber threats. Hence, threat management plays a key role in all organizations to help minimize the damage for safer growth.

Derik Belair

As President and CEO, Derik leads the vision, strategy and growth of Augmentt. Prior to founding Augmentt, Derik was the Vice President at SolarWinds, leading the digital marketing strategy for SolarWinds’ Cloud division. Derik has been working in the channel for over 20 years, starting his career as a channel sales rep at Corel Corp. and eventually becoming the first employee at N-able Technologies in April of 2000.
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