Shadow IT

Top 5 Risks of Shadow IT Every Business Faces

The Top 5 Risks of Shadow IT

  • Shadow IT
How Shadow IT Poses Security Threats to Your Organization Shadow IT refers to the practice of using software and other systems outside of, and without the knowledge of, the IT…
5 Steps to Lower Your Cyber Insurance Costs

5 steps to lower your cyber insurance

  • Security
How to Secure Better Rates for Cyber Insurance Today, the double-edged sword called cyber insurance is both a must-have and a safeguard that’s increasingly difficult to acquire and afford. In…

How to Find Shadow IT

  • Shadow IT
In the past few years, so much focus has been on the move to the cloud. Not anymore.  2020 was the year of cybersecurity, compliance, personally identifiable information (PII) awareness,…

The Financial Impact of Shadow IT

  • Shadow IT
The gap between the business and the traditional IT department is widening. With ever-increasing pressure to perform, employees, frustrated by rigid organizational structures, are circumventing the CIO organization to achieve…
Augmentt is a centralized SaaS security platform built for MSPs to deliver scalable managed security services for Microsoft and cloud apps. Our multi-tenant platform gives you visibility across all your end-users to easily audit, protect and detect security threats for a holistic approach to cyber security.